
Realistic Fantasy

I have a mother who writes science fiction and fantasy, and at a young age she would tell me about world building and would complain when people did not do things like follow the rules of physics or stuff like that.  So, when I started writing I had a good grasp that you can’t say ‘because magic’ and call it good.  Magic needs a system and rules.  And if those rules don’t agree with physics you need to create a new physics system that works with the magic.  You can’t break you’re own rules.  There are just some things in the universe that are the way they are because that works.

This has helped me a lot in my own world building skills, and a lot of my friends are awed at my worlds.  And I do believe that they are creative, but one of the reasons they are as good as they are is people can believe in them because they have these set rules.  The world’s set rules can also influence my characters and make them feel real because they interact not only with the people around them, but with the world in a believable way.  So in general, I’m glad Mom stressed these things to me.

But there are some times when it just gets in the way.  Sometimes, when I’m drawing fantasy creatures, I sit there and I go, ‘how in the world does this thing work?’  It happened first with griffins.  I was drawing it and I was like ‘realistically, how does this fly?’  And now, just today, I was looking at mermaids and was like ‘realistically, how does this be a really good swimmer?’

Both problems come in the body shape.  Since I had the thought about griffins I’ve been looking at birds that I pass and they all kind of have a roundish body with a tail that spreads out and wings.  Not a griffin body shape at all.  Now, I’m looking at underwater creatures and find a similar problem.  They’re either have a round bulky body that is longer then it wide (sharks, dolphins, whales, manatees, clownfish and several other fish) or they have a paper thin but still round shaped body, or long tub bodies.   Their all a single circle shape, while humans are composed of many and bits and pieces that stick out– even if it’s just the torso (shoulders, arms, necks, hips).

And here’s another problem I’ve been wondering about.  Should mermaids be mammals?  They have a human torso, but most people give them the ability to breath under water and a fishes tail.  But they usually make the tail go up and down– but fish tails go side to side.  It’s the underwater mammal (dolphins, whales, and manatees) tails that go up and down.  I never heard of mermaids who had to go up for air like whales before, it might be interesting.

Books to Movies

I personally love the Lord of the Rings.  I have only watched the movie, and I have not read the book.  I’m sure the book is a wonderful thing, but I have not read it.  As for the movie, I love it.

I had a friend once tell me that the movie was ridicules because it left out so many things from the book.  That statement greatly irked me.  Books and movies aren’t the same media.  Nowhere near.  Books use words and the imagination of the author and reader to create a story, a world, and a life.  Movies have to create what is unlimited for the imagination.  But movies are wonderful tools to present a story, and the Lord of the Rings did an epic job of doing so.  I was just watching some of the bonus features on the extended edition of the movie, and I watch all the effort they put in to make a world, and how much respect they have for the book.  It is amazing, and for people to sham it because it inserted and took out some stuff is just ridicules.  Movies are different then things.  Movies show people things.  Books tell you things.

Messed up Fairy Tales

A little while ago I came with an idea that I thought would be an fun Little Red Riding Hood to play with.  A Red Riding Hood who was a werewolf hunter.  This idea stemmed from all the paranormal romances and my love for fairy tales.  She would go around on a motorcycle and a gun.  It was a fun idea I wanted to play around with, but I got no story ideas to go with it.

Another thing that involves a changed fairy tale involves Beauty and the Beast.  I wondered what it would be for like for Belle was to late and the beast permanently turned to the beast?  I wanted to play around with that idea too, but once again, no story to go with that one too.

And if I had to do something else, I would turn the princess from Sleeping Beauty into a vampire.  I mean, how else can someone sleep for a hundred years and not die?

There other ideas I want to use, like making Robin Hood Little Red Riding Hood’s sister, and Ninja Santa Claus (it being a family business instead of just one Santa) and maybe one of these days I will I have an idea I can use these characters for.

Googling Your Name

Despite having all this sort of stuff I enjoy doing, I also do a lot of nothing.  And sometimes I get on the computer and just do nothing really.  Sometimes when I do that, I google my name, as I’m sure most people do at some point in their life.  Mostly, all the interesting stuff is the stuff Mom posts in her own Blog stuff.  The interesting thing I found this time was when was talking about when she was teaching us, me and my three older siblings, how to play the keyboard.  She talked about the different motivations each one of us had.  Also traits that appeared during our keyboarding lessons, still apply to us now, even though we’re all older.

Ben, my older brother and the oldest of my family, liked learning it for the challenge.  Even now, ten or so years latter I can perfectly believe that.  Ben still strives for things that challenge him.  He learned the songs quickly, and then he would move on to the next one.  He moves up and continues to challenge himself.  He now wants to become an engineer.  A career that involves using your brain and trying to solve new stuff in the most efficient way.  As for his music abilities now, he likes to sing, but he doesn’t listen to music very often.

Azure, my oldest sister, was apparently motivated by treats.  She had a harder time then Ben, but when she learned the song she would go ahead and put more expression and emotion into it.  She would memorize it.  Azure is now an artist, her medium being colored pencils.  She puts a lot of time and effort into it and comes out with the best result.  While she played the keyboard for treat, her ‘treat’ for her art could be the end result.  She enjoys that a lot more then keyboarding.  She likes to sing, though she says she’s not that good (I wouldn’t know, I’m a terrible judge of bad or good singing) and she enjoys listening to music.

Jasmine apparently played for accomplishment, but was very sensitive to criticism.   She used to cry a lot, but she has grown out of that, thankfully.  She still sensitive to criticism, but most of her criticism comes from herself.  She still strives to accomplish things, some she believes are quite out of her reach.  Now she plays the flute, though she hasn’t practiced much lately because she is no longer in high school and there for band.

Me, I hated being force to do it.  I only practiced when Mom made me.  What I did enjoy was just making up songs.  I liked the free creative ability playing the piano gave me, but I didn’t like to work.  This description still fits me practically perfectly.  I hate working, and often complain of the work is something that lasts for lots of days, like home work or chores.  I can handle it if it’s one day (Like service projects or something).  I still enjoy anything that gives me creative elbow room.  Drawing, making iMovies, writing, you name it.  I enjoy singing, and I play the violin.  Still, all these years latter, practicing is the hardest part of playing the violin.  Though I don’t only do it because Mom makes me now.  I enjoy playing the violin, but I don’t make up songs like I did with the keyboard.

Amazing how something as simple as playing the keyboard can show people’s motivations, weakness, and strengths.


Editing is really aggravating.  Your not making up anything new like you when your actually writing it, and you’ve seen it all before.  But for someone like me, who basically makes up the story as I go along, it probably the most important thing about writing.  All the parts where I didn’t know what should happen, so I just wrote away just so I can get somewhere I can work with has to be changed and made good.  It may be important, but it fries my brain!  It’s not fun!  My mom is also editing one of her stories, so I’m sure my whole family is tired of hearing complaints about editing.  I’ll finish eventually, but until then I seem to be searching for something, anything to do, except editing.  It’ll take a longer time editing then I did actually writing.

Two similar characters

There are two characters in my story that are very similar, Teresa and Bree.  Now I didn’t actually make Bree, I borrowed her from my sister, Azure.  So it’s not completly my fault their similar.

Teresa, is a human girl around eighteen.  She has lots of magic, and is plauged by the Fates (which are magical beigns similar to the greek gods)  She is short, and has black hair and is often mistaken for fourteen.  She has a temper, and likes punching people.  She’s protective over the people she cares about and is usually hesitant to trust people.  Though if Heather completly trusts some one, she will trust them.

Bree is a halfling (which makes her short by nature) who can see magic.  Halflings can’t use magic, so she is defiantly an odd ball.  After a lot of troubles and pains, she formed a group called the Red Wings.  The Red Wings adopt strange and unusual characters.  So their basically a rag-tag group of misfits.  She had a pheonix theme.  She doesn’t care what anyone thinks of her, and is fairly open.  She fights with spears and daggers

At first, their races, their backstories, their magic, and their choice weapon were what mainly diffricated them.  Also their acceptance level.  To gain Teresa’s trust and acceptance, you have to either work very hard, or you have to be in the right circumstances and her sister Heather trusts you, while Bree goes around adopting people left and right.  Other then that they were pretty similar.  Today I realized another major difference between them.  It happend when my older sister Azure was reading Ann of Greengable (I don’t know if I got the title quite right) to my little sister.  And Ann was holding a grudge about something that happened two years ago, and I thought that was rediculas.  Then I realized that is a major difference between Bree and Teresa.  Bree wouldn’t bother holding a grudge.  Teresa would.  It’s similir to the whole accpeting people or not thing, but slightly difference, so figuring this out makes me feel accomplished.

Three Musketeers

One of my many hobbies is making movies on iMovie.  It started when me and my sister, Azure were bored during Thanksgiving Break.  I have made two thirty minuet long movies, the first one called Snickers, and the other Twixt.  Yes, I name my little movies after chocolate bars.

Making movies is a lot of work.  First you have to come up with ideas, and if your going for funny that is very difficult to come up with stuff.  Then you have to film it, and create it.  For slide shows you have to pick out the pictures, making sure the zoom in on zoom out looks good.  If your doing something more complicated like a skit, you have to crop.  Then the music.  Music literally has the power to make something awesome, or completely ruin it.  Movies are combination of both visual, and audio.  Doing that well is what makes awesomeness.

The true nature of my blog

My blog… is a cowboy.  Do you know you login into things or websites in the top right corner it will say ‘some-sort-of-greeting what-ever-your-name-is.’   Well my blog says ‘Howdy, Alloria’  which is a cowboy greeting.  So, my blog is a cowboy.